Thursday, February 19, 2009

December 30, 2008

Dear Family:

Some sad news for this week... Mires, Kamilla's grandmother, gave up the search. She got nervous to abandon the Seventh Day Adventists and said she didn't want to hear any more. But her daughter is still investigating... so there's hope that she'll come around. Some happy news for this week... Renata and Alex are still progressing! They promised to go to church this week! I've got a good feeling about this. We also did a painting service project this week. We painted the ceiling of the kitchen of the house of a couple that we met this week. They're quite poor and live in what's called a barraca. It's a very simple house. They were painting with a type of paint known as cal that is this powder that you just add water. And it's more water than paint. So you splash it all over yourself and the floor in your attempt to get it on the ceiling. It was a pretty good time. Short on time this week, but I love you all. It was wonderful to talk to you

Sister Todd

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